Welcome to the ham radio page for Ed Wells / N3IAS, in Levittown, Pa, USA.

This page is just starting under the Wells Computer Systems Corp. business web page.

Here are some pages of interest:

----- Ham Radio Links -----
W1AW / American Radio Relay League
Penn Wireless information on Ham Radio (Power Point)
W3BXW / Bristol Emergency Amateur Radio System
W2XQ / Tom Sundstrom's Radio Page
N3KZ / University of PA Repeater System
W3DRA / Delaware Repeater Association
W3SK / (PWA) Penn Wireless Association
W2ZQ / (DVRA) Delaware Valley Radio Association
K3DN / Warminster Radio Association
PepperNet / DVRA (146.670 / 22:00 EST/EDT)
NOAA Weather / Philadelphia Area
Ham (& Scanner) Radio Modifications
Philadelphia Area Weather Satellite Image

----- Ham Radio Videos -----
Broadband Over Powerline (MPEG, 24.8 MB)
Amateur Radio Presentation with KB2GSD (MPEG, 69.6 MB)

----- Software Definable Radios -----
Flex Radio's Software Definable Radio
High Performance Software Definable Radio

----- Frequency listings -----
Frequency/Wave Length Guide
N3IAS Philadelphia area repeater directory

----- Ham Radio Programs -----
Super Morse program (for DOS/Windows)
Ham radio programs from QRZ (for DOS/Windows/Linux/MAC)

It has come to my attention that some zip codes might be missing. Please inform me of any missing or new zip codes, and what state/county they are missing from. For now, I will hand add them to the zip code database and re-run the script against the FCC database again.

If anyone knows where I can get an updated zip code database, please let me know. I need only 4 fields (Zip, County, Town, State). I called the US Postal Service, in Memphis, TN. They want $350.00 for a copy of their database....and the Postal Service wonders why they can't compete!!! If you know of an FTP, or webpage where I can get a copy, please Email me the URL. I don't care if it has extra fields, as long as it has Zip, County, Town, and State. I'll delete any fields I don't need.

Thanks, Ed / N3IAS ( edw@wells.com )

----- Area listing of ham operators by Zip, Town, and Names -----
( for the states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Delaware )

----- Miscellaneous -----
Life On A Train (3.1 MB)